January 22, 2025

Teresa Lifts

Teresa's take on Lifting, Healthy Eating and Loving Life

BATTLE THREE: Sexy vs. Singlet-Women of Powerlifting

2 min read

I was feeling like doing another battle blog, but this battle has no winner. Let me explain. As women, many of us have grown up around the stigma that we should be delicate little flowers, and if we go to the gym, we should stick to cardio or only lift the cute little pink weights way in the corner of the gym. We have been told that lifting heavy means we will pick up a barbell and instantly turn into Arnold as soon as our fingers graze the cold knurling, forever loosing our femininity. People think if a woman lifts heavy, her voice will deepen, her muscles will begin to expand past the confines of her soft skin, her hands will callus, and she will forever live in the gym communicating only in grunts and snarls. Because of this, many women avoid barbells like the plague. Fortunately for those of us who really do powerlift, this is not at all the case (although we do build beautiful calluses)! For one, we are not body builders, and do not lift to build bulk, we lift for strength. I have been lifting heavy 6 days a week for over 3 years, and although I admire Arnold Schwarzenegger, and am trying hard to grow some muscle, I will never in my life be able to achieve that kind of bulk (naturally anyway). SO ladies and gentlemen, I am going to post a ton of pictures of the women of powerlifting that I have collected (with permission). One picture shows them in their singlet, and the other picture shows them being beautiful in their own eyes. Neither picture is more beautiful than the other, so there is no winner in this battle. Strong in a singlet is just as sexy and beautiful and those selfies…..so here you go…THE WOMEN OF POWERLIFTING…please try not to be too intimidated 😉 ! I’ll start with mine!








































Let me know what you think!